Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Signs of Spiritual Progress
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
In his Amsterdam, Netherlands workshop of March of 2019, Kambiz Naficy outlines signs of spiritual progress for the seeker of spirituality and inner-joy.
If you are a seeker of inner happiness, here are some benchmarks to keep track of in order to measure your spiritual progress:
- The ego-identity of I am a physical human being running my own life with a first name and a last name, begins to give way to a spiritual identity of “I am Spirit breathing in an out to act through this body.”
- Simple joy of just being alive. Your needs are becoming simpler. You no long have a list of conditions that must be met before you can enjoy life.
- You are simplifying your life; your closets are less cluttered, so are your home, your life, relationships and possessions. You may own very high-quality belongings, but you have fewer of them, so you can simplify your life, your relationships, and your inner life.
- Every one of your ambitions and possessions is completely serving your happiness and that of your loved ones. A contrary example is; if your vacation home is financially burdening you and you are not using it enough, then your second home is not serving your happiness. All of your belongings should have a high "joy-to-Dollar ratio."
- Through very deep understanding of your past, you are now finished and done with your old emotional/psychological baggage. Your Spirit hovers like a Witness, sailing over previous subconscious negativity that used to bring you suffering.
- Loving detachment means, that you face life's daily challenges without drowning in them because of over-attachment to the results. Your Soul looks at the ups and downs of life as the “play of Life”. You play your role in the game of life perfectly, while you calmly follow your breath with mindfulness, knowing that “I am a Witness to all this; I am not entangled in this game that I play on earth.
- You understand in that in our world of energy, for every one of your actions, nature returns an equivalent reaction. You get to “reap what you sow”, therefore the state of victim-hood no longer makes sense to you.
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Life is Light
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
In a workshop conducted in Hollywood, Florida, Kambiz Naficy explains how all physical life and reality arises from subtle waves and vibrations of Holy Light.
- Underneath any atom, there is a pulse called Spanda; that pulse radiates the Light of life.
- You, me, the ocean, and the cat; we are all pulsing, and that pulsation gives off radiance (light of life).
- Little children and animals are very sensitive to those who pulsate with higher vibrations of love and Light.
- Humans have the means for accessing such Cosmic Information floating around in nature. People can use their Higher minds to figure life out, what makes life work. Your intellect is the inferior means of understanding; your Higher Mind is made of Pure Consciousness.
- Your “Pure Consciousness” arises from a quiet gap between two thoughts and from a pause between two breaths. This thoughtless form of intelligence is the source of your intuition, creativity, problem-solving, and higher understanding about what life is about.
- You can access supreme awareness of the moment and complete mindfulness of the NOW by just following your breath, or posing the question “I am here right now?”, or gazing at your mind like a witness and waiting for the next thought (the next thought will never arrive!)
- The only timeframe in which you can connect with the Creative Force is in the NOW. The happiest individuals on earth are intensely mindful of the present moment.
- When men access the mindfulness of Pure Consciousness, their strong “feminine” qualities like loving children, cooking, gardening, nature communion, and peacefulness flourish.
- Most of your 60,000 thoughts per day are just “noise”, and most of your random thoughts have no relevance on what is happening in this moment.
- That state of pure consciousness emanates Light which is composed of Creative Power.
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Joy--Where does it Come from?
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Joy is your natural birthright and here you learn how to free joy to flow again. In this talk, at the French countryside, Kambiz Naficy describes joy and where it arises from.
- Your inborn, natural state is joy; this is why young children are joyous and a source of joy.
- Joy comes from connecting with your authentic Self— your truth, your voice, your inspiration are where you will find joy.
- Following your uniqueness will bring you joy. Self-love and self-respect create inner-joy.
- Joy comes from living in the present moment.
- Anxiety and worry are kill-joys. Come to the moment and worry disappears.
- Dropping your emotional baggage and cleansing your subconscious of past negativity will create joy.
- As you cleanse your negativity, you take big action with big results. Progress creates joy.
- Your joyful self has always been there, you just need to dust off past negativity that has settled on your joyful self.
- Joy is the opposite of fear. Love is the opposite of fear; when you love, fear disappears and joy returns once again.
- Sharing is love and sharing your life creates joy for yourself and others.
- Finding and following Dharma, your life-purpose, brings joy because you are not conflicted when following your most natural path.
- Reverence, gratefulness, and appreciation of those around you, brings joy.
- Trust in a Higher Self and Higher Force that guide you, always brings deep joy.
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Be Happy All is Well!
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
International teacher of meditation, Kambiz Naficy, explains during a talk in St. Georges, France, why all is fine in your life--no matter how much stress your ego and mind try to create!
You should be happy for three reasons:
- You are alive, so the God Force breathes within.
- You have a center and a Self which is unchanging and source of your power
- You are already courageous because you are listening to this talk and working on yourself.
- If you were not certain that you have a Higher Self and a Soul, you would never follow spirituality.
- We are motivated to act, when we believe that a Higher Self and higher level of happiness are real.
- When you are stressed, place a hand on your heart and recite the mantra, AUM.
- AUM is the sound of God’s pulsation within the Universe; it is much older than any nation.
- Whenever you are stressed, place your palm on your heart and connect with the center of your Self, and chant—I have a Self, I have a Self, I have a Self…
- Whenever you remind yourself that you have a Core Self, courage, contentment, and spiritual certainty blossom.
- Without a self, you have nothing. When you lose your self, you lose everything.
- Why should we even have crazy moments with a frantic mind? The Vedas state that the God Force is so creative that God creates both quietude and craziness. It’s just God’s playfulness; don't take your madness seriously.
- The Ego who creates fear, insecurity, and mind-noise is just a joker; keep breathing into your heart and come back to your center.
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Get Rid of Worry!
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Listen to this practical talk outlining techniques for eliminating worry. Kambiz Naficy gave this talk during his five-day meditation retreat in St. Georges, France in September of 2019.
- Worry is an illness of mind. Your subconscious can develop a habit to worry.
- You tend to worry about repetitive, predictable topics. If you look into your mind, you will find that your worries are about predictable, and recurring topics--perhaps you worry about weight, money, illness, age, or loss of loved ones?
- Worry is all about a future prediction; worry is never about the present moment. If you follow your breath, become mindful of breathing, and come to the present moment, you will no longer worry.
- We tend to attract what we worry about. Worry is like a trance that focuses our mind intensely on the topic of worry, and through intense focus, we wind up attracting what we worry about most.
- Worry is like a termite that eats into the quality of our lives. We ruin our happiest moments through worry.
- Pay attention to how many of your worries have never come true. Create a worry-journal and track how many times you wasted your energy, worrying about something that never materialized. If the statistics show that you are mistaken time after time again, then mistrust your judgement about worry.
- Worry and fear are like distorted lenses that cover your eyesight, most people only see the worrisome outcomes that they obsess about. Through worry, we see only what we want to see!
- At the end of this talk, Kambiz Naficy advises techniques for eliminating worry.
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Reconnect with your Self
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
If you lose your Self, you will have lost everything!
In this gripping talk, meditation master, Kambiz Naficy, shows you how to reconnect with your true Self.
- Your Self is the source of your power, creativity, and motivation. The truth is that everything is created from inside-out.
- If you compare yourself to a mountain, your Self is the core of that mountain. Your Self, being your center, is always wise, centered, and strong.
- Your Self is where your values lie. Living life without values is like sailing a boat in stormy seas without a helm and a rudder.
- Your most natural talents, interests, and aspirations lie in your Self. When you reconnect with your Self, you will gain focus and know what's really important in life.
- Your true Self creates your unique destiny and impacts your environment, instead of your environment shaping and abusing you.
- Your unique Self is not part of any crowd-mentality nor will your true Self compromise its dreams.
- Your Self is the source of your inspiration. When you reconnect with your Self, you are creative, inspired, and bold.
- When you learn to love and accept yourself unconditionally, that's when you can reconnect with your true voice.
- When you reconnect with your true voice have something to say, the whole world listens!
- When you love and accept who you really are, you will be able to love others.
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Play Full Episode: Who Really Loves you?
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Recorded in November of 2018 during Kambiz Naficy’s five-day meditation retreat at Yogaville, this is a heartwarming talk about the jewel in your life—the One who really loves you!
- The one who really loves you loves you not for your money, beauty, or power; this person loves you for your essence and your Soul. This kind of love is unchanging.
- The more you become yourself, the more this person loves you!
- The one who loves you, has stood by you and supported you throughout various stages of your life.
- This person is happy to take on the labor of love because you are a big part of their life. Your existence lends real meaning to their life.
- The one who truly loves you, has a lot to give. This person is already abundantly happy and loving. They love you because they want to, not because they expect a “thank you” in exchange for love.
- The person who really loves you is always happy to see you. Sometimes the two of you will fight, but the one who adores you confronts you so you can wake up to your greatest potential.
- The one who loves you, thinks of you during the day and sends you prayers of wellbeing each day.
- If you have a person who loves you this much, hang on to this person at any cost! This kind of love is the biggest diamond in the world.
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Play Full Episode: Live a Simple and Happy Life!
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Recorded during Kambiz Naficy’s five-day meditation retreat at Yogaville, this is a calming talk about living a simple, yet happy life.
- An enlightened life means living a simple life. Living a simple life does not mean losing the nice things you own now.
- When you love yourself, every one of your ambitions and possessions should serve your happiness and the happiness of your loved ones. Never get caught in a miserable struggle just to maintain a complicated lifestyle.
- An over-complicated life goes against self-love. Living a complicated life is a form of self-sabotage.
- Trying to fulfill your list of desires is like being lost in a great hall of mirrors!
- Your five senses are designed to want and they will never stop wanting. You have to become master of your senses and acquire things that serve your happiness.
- Breathe into your heart; access the Truth of your heart. In your heart, you will discover your needs and what is truly important, instead of desires for quick gratification.
- Your needs constitute what is truly in your life. Needs are elements like food, shelter, good health, procreation, adequate wealth, love, peace of mind, a meaningful life-purpose, and a connection with a Higher Force.
- In our human life, we experience the two basic emotions of love and fear. Fear arises from the ego and five senses, with their endless list of wants. Love arises from our heart and Soul, and the when we follow love, we seek what is truly important to our happiness.
- Meditate on your breath-movement and quiet your mind. A quiet, focused mind will simplify your life. A busy, beehive mind, will create lots of nervous knee-jerk reactions and complications.
- Find out what your natural talents are, what you have always been interested in. What you are passionate about? Follow your life-purpose, show up at that meaningful job every day, and your life will become happy and simple!
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Play Full Episode: Living with Intention and Taking Strong Action
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
- Most people do not lack energy, they have lost motivation due to fear.
- People do not take strong action because they have not had experienced their higher self and happier life.
- Intention is the energy behind all thoughts, words, and action. The intention of love creates very powerful action and the intention of fear creates the opposite.
- Set your intention first thing in the morning and that intention sets the framework for that day’s thoughts, words, and actions. If you veer off course, your intention will bring you back on course.
- Ask yourself, what can I do and who can I be to make this the most memorable year of my life?
- Each of us has an Ego and also a Soul. The Ego is entangled with “wants”, and your Soul is contented with “needs.” There is never an end to wants; you buy a watch today, and a second watch will attract you tomorrow! Needs come from the truth of your heart and soul—some security, enough money, a meaningful life-purpose, health, love, and a Higher Power to connect with—those are each human’s needs for contentment.
- Each of us is extraordinary and full of Glory. The one’s who realize their own glory are those who surrender their false ego-self to the truth of their heart and Soul.
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Play Full Episode: Understanding Shame
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Recorded during Kambiz Naficy’s Stockholm, Sweden meditation workshop, this is a piercing talk about the cause of all negativity in human beings.
- All negative emotions, beliefs, and actions arise from what we call “toxic shame.”
- The message of shame is, there is something wrong with me that cannot be fixed, I am not O.K, I am not worthy. Shame is the feeling that there is something incomplete about me, and I am flawed, or I can never satisfy my parents expectations.
- Every human needs to know that they are wanted and truly valued by this world.
- Toxic shame is such a powerful emotion and so well hidden that most people do not even detect its existence.
- Parents who cannot love unconditionally inject shame into their children’s souls. Some parents shame the child with statements like, you are so bad you are killing your Mama. These statements control the naughty child, yet they deeply shame the child.
- All of the psychological problems are multi-generational. If your parents shamed you, then someone must have shamed your parents when they were children.
- When you understand shame through this talk, you will never shame other people, and the cycle of shame will stop with you.
- Here are the types of the families that unknowingly create shame in their children:
1-The Neglecting Family: Father comes home late always tired; he loves you but he is emotionally absent; or Mother has migraines or is depressed so as a child, you face absent or needy parents. You might have gotten shamed just for being playful. In the case of neglecting family, the child comes to the conclusion that If my parents do not notice me, then, I must not be worth much.
2- The Controlling Family: This kind of family that has rigid rules, which are unexplained. Such families are very dysfunctional on the inside, but they appear very impressive on the outside. Controlling families want society to look at them with lots of respect. Internally controlling families are trying to keep hell from braking lose through very rigid rules. When there are very rigid laws, children lose their individual souls in laws and rigid expectations. This means that the child cannot express her or his autonomy and gets shamed for trying to be who they are.
3- The Enmeshed Family: Here everyone’s personal boundaries have broken down. There is no place where Mom ends and daughter’s individual emotions begin. Like if my mother is sad, I have to be sad, and if my father is bankrupt I am bankrupt…. Enmeshed families have no boundaries, and children lose their “self” in other family members and problems. When we lose our deep truth and Self, we acquire toxic shame.
4- The Abusive Family: These are families in which there are inappropriate jokes, shaming sexual abuse, cruel punishments, or inappropriate nudity.
- Here are some symptoms of people who carry toxic shame:
- They are very afraid of romantic intimacy for fear of being “discovered.”
- They play the role of either victim or the aggressor.
- They can hide their shame by being extremely impressive and perfectionistic in everything that they do.
- They do not feel like you they belong to any group. Shamed people feel like outsiders, everywhere they go, they feel like the odd one out.
- They are hopeless because they feel that they can never measure up and they can never fix their “flaws.”
- Shamed people are very judgmental of other people.
- How to heal yourself from shame? You have to enter into shame, embrace shame, knowing that shame is something you were infected with by the previous generation, not something that you are. You were born with pure Glory!
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Play Full Episode: Nadis—a Network of 72,000 Energy-Channels in your Body
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Kambiz Naficy gave this important talk on the Human Nadis and Chakras, in September of 2017 at the French countryside of Saint Georges. In his talk, Kambiz explains the network of 72,000 energy-channels called Nadis, that conduct the Life Force throughout the body, keeping it alive.
- There is a Causal Body, made up of glowing and invisible prana (Life Force) which surrounds our physical body and keeps it alive.
- Prana or the Life Force circulates in our body through a network of 72,000 energy-channels; seven of these channels are the chakras which are major energy-centers located along the spinal column.
- In most humans, the nadis and chakras are clogged and must be cleansed for wellbeing. Our energy channels become clogged for various reasons such as:
- Food inappropriate for your body-type
- Negative emotions
- Difficult childhood or marriage
- Substance abuse
- Self-limiting beliefs
- Exposure to stressful T.V programs and Internet sites.
- Etc ...
- The way to cleanse your subtle energy-network (chakras and nadis) is through Kriya Yoga breathing, a healthy Ayurvedic diet, cleansing of subconscious beliefs, and spiritual practices such as meditation and the chanting of mantras.
- Divine mantras from India vibrate with special frequencies which enter and cleanse your nadis when you are chanting.
- An Ayurvedic diet is very important in cleansing your nadis. Ayurveda is the medical science of ancient yoga which divides all humans into three body-types (Doshas) as follows:
- Pita: High-energy, high blood-pressure, ambitious, over-achiever, early riser, highly intelligent, suffers in hot climates, and is easy irritated. These people thrive on “cool”, non-spicy foods that do not agitate their nervous system. Watermelon, yogurt, lettuce, ice cream, etc..
- Vata: Artistic, eloquent, small bone-structure, refined manners, frequent mood-swings, suffer in cold climates, thrive around stable and centered partners. Vatas need a “warm” diet rich in starch and fiber. Chicken, potatoes, pasta, avocado, bananas, are examples.
- Kapha: Big boned, slow-moving, slow-speaking, heavyweight, short and stubby, awaken late in the morning, risk and adventure-avoidance. Kaphas need spices, coffee, hot and spicy food, exercise, a partner who is a mover and shaker!
- When we cleanse our nadis, we fall into a state of: love, wellbeing, gratitude, oneness, contentment, without fear and anxiety.
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Play Full Episode: Power of Prayer
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Listen to this talk, and learn how to connect with the most powerful Force in the world.
Kambiz Naficy gave this important talk on the Power of Prayer in September of 2017 in the French countryside of Saint Georges. In his talk, Kambiz outlines the difference between meditation and prayer, and also, the four stages of prayer as: 1- assuming Oneness with the God Force, 2- Asking for companionship and Grace of the God Force, 3- Listening in silence for God’s response, 4- Receiving God’s response and implementing Thy Will be Done.
- Prayer is your heartfelt request for companionship and partnership with your Creator.
- Deep meditation is your direct and absolute Oneness with your Creator.
- Prayer is the privilege to connect with your Invisible Best Friend (God Force) each day.
- The most powerful prayer is sending “thanks” for the Grace already present in your life.
- Constantly begging your inner-God for more “things” broadcasts desperation and lack, which drive away the God Force.
- Answers to your prayers do not come through any spoken language; the God Force may answer in the form of dreams, intuition, a Guide entering your life, sudden openings and opportunities, and even an illness that destroys egoism and pride.
- We cannot pray to bring harm to others; you can only pray for the good and salvation of others.
- Take time to prepare yourself for a prayer-session by shedding mind-chatter, fear, and egoism, and negativity.
- Your prayers are most powerful when you are in a state of love (non-fear) and wellbeing. Emotions of guilt, shame, and fear drive away the God Force.
- Identify which circumstances, activities, and social associations put you in an inner-state of love, wellbeing, and empowerment. With a smile in your eyes, your prayers will be quickly answered.
- The more your prayers are answered, the more faith you will gather, and with more faith, you will manifest more and more. Keep a daily diary of prayer to mark your progress.
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Play Full Episode: Pursuit of Happiness
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Kambiz Naficy gave this important talk about the pursuit of happiness in September of 2017 in the French countryside of Saint Georges. In this talk, Kambiz outlines the age-old pillars of happiness and which distractions of the mind pull you away from happiness.
- At a basic level, we all need health, adequate wealth, a life-purpose, love, security, food & shelter, and a connection to a Higher Force beyond our ego.
- The battleground of happiness is your mind; happiness is a decision you take in your mind. Strengthen and cleanse you mind so you can work with this moment to bring out happiness.
- Do not try to satisfy your ego, and five senses, because these parts of you cannot remain content. If you try to satisfy your five senses with a brand- new watch, ten minutes later, they will notice yet another desirable watch!
- Happiness comes from progress; keep on moving in all areas of your life; whichever part of life stagnates, that part of your life falls into a rut.
- Happiness arises from deeper self-exploration, self-love, and deeper relationships with others. Instant gratification and pursuing endless variety is just a form of avoidance. Dig deeper into your life, walk through fear and pain, and on the other side you will discover happiness.
- You spend your days with your profession and your nights with your mate. Therefore, the two most important decisions of your life are your career (life-purpose), and the partner that you pick.
- If you want to find love, be realistic about relationships. The lasting relationships are those that you are willing to work on.
- We live in a world of consciousness, and whatever you place your attention on, flourishes. Place your attention on what really matters.
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Play Full Episode: Power of Beliefs
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
In his 2017 weekend workshop in Geneva, Switzerland, Kambiz Naficy moved his audience with his talk on the power of beliefs. Many attendees wrote back saying that their lives had changed in big ways. Here are some key points of the talk:
- This entire world of ours is a world of beliefs. Everything you see around you, was first created in the mind, then manifested into reality.
- Using our minds, we broadcast thoughts to each other and to the God Force in space.
- Yogic scriptures describe God as a pulsation of consciousness in space. This God Force receives your thoughts and manifests them back into your life.
- Individuals with focused, emotionalized, and intense thoughts can influence the Creative Force and millions of other people.
- Your subconscious mind is a storage house of all habits, and beliefs. The subconscious mind is much more powerful than your thinking mind and the subconscious controls 95% of your life.
- Most of your subconscious habits and beliefs were already programmed in by the time you reached the age of seven.
- Many of your beliefs come from your childhood perceptions which were not entirely true. Now, as an adult, you need to apply the techniques mentioned in this talk to “re-program” your mind for joy and success.
- Never try to change your behavior, because behaviors are controlled by your beliefs. If you want to change bad habits, first change your beliefs!
- The minute your beliefs shift, your behaviors will change; and when your behaviors change, the results of your life will also change.
- Practice these techniques to re-program your bad habits and limiting beliefs:
1- Affirmations: short sentences in the present tense that you keep reciting to re-program your mind.
2- Visualizations: mental pictures that you feed your subconscious mind. You subconscious absorbs images better than words. During each visualization, use your sense of touch, hearing, taste, smell, and sight to make your visualization more real.
3- Act as if you are already living your ideal life. Acting as if you have achieved your ideal, convinces your subconscious to take strong action toward your desired results.
4- Imagine you have one week to live; when you rob yourself of time, you will break through your comfort zones, and step out of self-limiting beliefs.
5- Teach what you need to learn. When you teach empowering techniques, you absorb what you teach.
6- Live one real experience of your Higher-Self and a better life. One taste is enough to move you!
7- Imagine that the God Force is breathing into you, filling your entire body, and acting in your life with each exhalation.
- Beliefs are life puffs of air; they are not made of concrete. Use the above techniques to simply blow away limiting beliefs and destructive habits—your life will change quickly!
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Play Full Episode: What Meditation Is
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
There are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about what meditation is; and in this audio, Kambiz Naficy clearly explains the main types of meditation, separates meditation from religious practices, and describes the beneficial effects of meditation.
- Meditation is not a religion; meditation is a way of following an object of meditation until the mind-chatter quiets down and you feel your own nature. When you connect with your authentic self, you will also connect with your inner-God.
- Through meditation, you connect with yourself; if you lose yourself, you have lost everything!
- It is important to have an inner-life like a hobby, prayer, meditation, etc.. People with an inner-life can enjoy sweet solitude.
- The word Yoga means “union”, through yoga and daily meditation, your ego merges with your heart and Soul which is your natural essence . Through quiet meditation, you start to discover your real-life priorities.
- In meditation, you follow an object of meditation, such as a Mantra, your breath, or the image of a beloved saint.
- The center of your mind is called the Mano Bindu. It is like a fortress of peace and quietness, and through daily meditation, you can build a peaceful center that no distraction or anxiety can penetrate.
- The object of meditation in Kriya Yoga is your breath.
- In Kriya Yoga, you cleanse 72,000 energy channels using the breath. These energy-channels conduct Life Force to give you good health and wellbeing.
- In deep meditation, you are intensely present, feel light and expanded like a cloud.
- In deep meditation, you access the quietness between two thoughts. This is the field of Pure Consciousness and pure consciousness will make your mind focused and clear.
- The best hours for meditation are early morning and around dusk, before dinner. You should face East for the most powerful meditations.
- There are two types of meditation in the world, Buddhist style mindfulness meditation , and the other one is concentration meditation, kriya yoga is a concentration meditation. Both can get you to the highest spiritual experience of Oneness.
- Here are some useful attitudes during meditation: 1) have no expectations about results of meditation 2) At the start meditation imagine that you check out from the your body as the Divine Life Force comes in to fill you with pure bliss. 3) breathe that Divine Force that loves you and created you. 4) Sit in a posture with your head, neck, and spine in vertical alignment.
- Never fight thoughts during meditation, allow them to come and vanish back into nothingness. If you don’t drown in the meaning of thoughts, they won’t bother you.
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Play Full Episode: Quantum Physics and God
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
In July of 2017, at The Omega Institute, Kambiz Naficy spoke about something very spiritual and mysterious going on beyond the atom. Even Einstein’s reality turned inside-out when he realized that a creative force lives beyond the atom. This Divine Force is made of consciousness and reacts to human consciousness.
- There is a high-vibrating field of Consciousness at the subatomic level that is intelligent, and this Field responds to our recurring thoughts, manifesting our recurring thoughts back into our lives. In other words, God mirrors our thoughts and we get to manifest our self-fulfilling prophecies!
- The Divine Field of Consciousness is also composed of love. Love is not a mood, love is the living essence of the God Force.
- Physicists have proven that atoms are not solid units, atoms are 99% energy and information. Atoms are composed of a conscious energy that responds to our energy. We get to co-create our own life through recurring thoughts that impact the atoms. This whole world is made of thoughts.
- Everything in this world is made of thought. When you are in the gap between two thoughts, you are in a field that Yogis call Pure Consciousness. In that state of meditative thoughtlessness, all your wisdom rises up and your life blossoms as a result.
- Space is not empty, there are strings of energy in the space, which ancient books of yoga called spanda. Spanda is defined as the heartbeat of God. Modern-day scientists studying “String Theory” confirm that space is vibrating with a conscious, and intelligent energy.
- The ancient scripture called the Shiva Sutras states that our galaxy has an energy-center (chakra) called Maha Chakra. From this belly button of the skies, the vibration of Aum rains down on us. The mantra of Aum will calm you down.
- On a daily basis, dialogue with your Soul or Higher Self. When you talk to your Soul, your ego and restless mind will melt away into deep wisdom.
- What kind of thought influences the atoms to manifest your desires faster?
- Emotionalized thoughts--when you are emotional about the things that you are thinking of.
- The amount of time you have been thinking a thought, empowers that thought to manifest faster.
- A quiet and focused mind produces thoughts that quickly manifest your wishes.
- Having faith that you are walking hand-in-hand with the Creative Force will empower you to manifest desires.
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Play Full Episode: Empowering Affirmations
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Based on hundreds of requests from his students, Kambiz Naficy recorded this soothing and empowering set of affirmations in 2018. Two weeks after its release, dozens of emails poured in with reports of people’s energy and life soaring with joy and success!
Listen to these affirmations as background listening while engaged with other tasks. The most effective time to listen to them is right before you fall asleep and minutes after you wake up. These affirmations will quickly re-program your subconscious mind for joy and success. Remember, the subconscious mind controls 95% of your life-outcomes.
These affirmations impact key areas of your life:
- Self-love and attracting love.
- Money and prosperity.
- Contentment and being centered in yourself.
- Deserving the best that life has to offer.
- Connection to the Creative Force to manifest your deepest wishes.
- Defying fear and worry.
- Celebrating the Glory that is you!
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Play Full Episode: God Breathes in; and Acts Through you!
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
What if you could co-create with the God Force and live in bliss and abundance? Both scientists and ancient yogis state that our world is covered by a net of Creative Energy and that this Divine Force is intelligent, conscious, and responds to your thoughts. Attract anything you want by breathing in The Creative Force!
- This Divine, Conscious Force has a Presence in your life and comes in with each breath; and can act in your life.
- Divine Presence cannot be seen because the vibrational frequency of The Force is very high; but you can feel Her Presence in deep meditation.
- Kriya yoga meditation is about breathing in The God Force so that your entire body is filled with a Divine Presence.
- Kriya yoga Masters stated 1800 years ago that if you drop the mistaken identity of your fist name and last name, you can merge with the powerful energy of the Creative Force that enters with each breath.
- If you want to get rid of misery, once and for all, you need to get rid of your mistaken identity or “me”, or “I”, i.e. your first name, last name.
- Once your identify becomes, God Breathes in; God acts through me, your self-confidence, happiness, and success will soar!
- Wellbeing comes from the spiritual certainty that you are walking hand-in-hand with The Creative Force.
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Play Full Episode: Living a Full Life
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
People who are truly alive live a full life. A small life of mediocrity will kill your Soul.
‘Living a Full Life’ is a talk given by Kambiz Naficy in Geneva, Switzerland.
- Ego and mind get used to routines very quickly. These two parts of you hate stepping out of their comfort zone.
- Living a full life means stepping outside of your limiting-habits, every day.
- Stay mindful in the present moment, and your life will be full.
- Constant progress is the quality of a full life. All aspects of life which are not progressing, eventually rot away.
- Love fully so you can live fully.Love is what feeds your soul; don’t try to control love, love is wild,
- You are the only one who can shape your life. Before you go to sleep every night, make sure that you have built something new to shape your life.
- Let your heart dictate your life. Your heart is like a Queen and your mind is the Prime Minister in charge of carrying out your heart’s desires.
- Each person has a Liar living in their mind. The Liar within is the voice of fear. If something scares you, face fears and take important steps anyway. The ability to move forward while you are scared, is a very powerful quality.
- Your Soul is your best friend; learn to speak the language of your Soul, so you can manifest great things. Your Soul only understands the language of Oneness—everyday, speak to your soul and ask for guidance.
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Play Full Episode: The Eight Limbs of Yoga–Asana (Yoga Postures)
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
In July of 2017, the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y invited Master Naficy to conduct his five-day higher-consciousness workshop. In this Omega talk, Kambiz Naficy teaches the eight foundations of Yoga as described by the Sage Patanjali. This talk emphasizes the third of these eight limbs called Asana (Yoga postures).
- To pursue your spiritual path, your body must be stable and strong.
- With a strong body, you can meditate long hours, while sitting in a comfortable, centered position.
- If your body is unstable, your mind will also be unstable.
- Yoga Asanas impact all aspects of your physical body—glands, joints, digestion, blood circulation, muscles, even secretion of healthy hormones.
- Produce your yoga movements from the core (center) of your being.
- Be sure to celebrate your daily progress.
- Yoga is not a form of exercise; true yoga means meditation in action.
- True yoga means that every single yoga-posture is a meditation accompanied with mindfulness of the breath.
- Masters of yoga asanas have reached Samadhi, the highest level of meditation, while engrossed in yogic postures.